Sunday, 15 August 2010

See The World in Harmony at The Fringe

The Edinburgh Fringe is a snapshot of the artistic world around about us. We are all force feed the medium of television; whether we watch it or not. Newspapers drip feed us the mundane stories of soapstars and football players, getting married and divorced.
The real news is something more important than that, it's about real life and even in bad times death.
Some people want to make news through their political aspirations. Some people take up views that others may seem extreme. Or there are those of us who sit back and let the world slide into the chaos that is the world.
So where can we escape, when the world is getting us down. There is always the Edinburgh Fringe. For all the troubles in the world, the Fringe is unity, the international mix of performers and shows lets us see the world is not crumbling around about us. It's a place where young and old alike can gather. Enjoy laughter on the High Street or at the mound. Share pathos and emotion in theatres venues like The Zoo.
For one month Edinburgh is host to the World, and the World needs to look at Edinburgh and see that in sharing joy, tears, laughter and more, it can be the place we all want it to be.
The Olympics are a medium where it has always been said the world comes together, but they never fulfill what theatre; fringe theatre and street performance can do. At the Olympics countries compete for Gold! And that brings with it the risk of back stabbing, cheating and all the rest. In Edinburgh at the Fringe your only gold is a good hat or a good review, but most of all it's just about performing in Edinburgh at Fringe time.

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